Crystals, Metaphysical Items,
Card Readings, Coaching & More
Available Online
Virtual Crystal & Metaphysical Shopping
Your own personal shopping assistant from the comfort of your own home
Zoom or Facetime
Service Description
To make sure I receive your request and reserve sufficient time, kindly schedule your appointment with at least a 24-hour advance notice. Thank You!
Experience the magic of Zenly Vibes from the comfort of your own home with our new virtual crystal & metaphysical shopping. Browse our extensive selection of metaphysical supplies and get a better look at our items before making a purchase. I will answer any questions and guide you through the virtual shopping experience. Shop with ease and convenience, all while discovering the perfect tools to enhance your collection.
Cancellation Policy
If for some reason I am not available to provide you with a live viewing at the time of your requested appointment. I will call you to reschedule a different time within 30minutes of your booking.
Contact Details
Online: Crystals & Tarot Card Reading Stamford, CT, USA